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Wholehearted Learning

Students in music class playing the piano

Our Values:

Saint Andrew’s is a wholehearted community of learners with a wholehearted commitment to cultivating student happiness, academic achievement, and character.

Our complete, balanced, and inspiring approach to education ensures that our graduates are exceptionally good people who are exceptionally well-prepared to thrive in high school, college, and life.

With a strong tradition of exemplary academic curriculum and critical thinking, Saint Andrew's encourages students to share, explore and reflect upon their thoughts, ideas, and questions.


Since its founding in 1961, Saint Andrew’s has always believed that a high-quality education must begin with rock-solid academics and then go far beyond. That’s why we provide abundant opportunities for student growth in the areas of art, music, physical education, world religion, technology, field trips, Spanish, outdoor learning, after-school enrichment, and service. Since we believe who you are is as important as what you know, we ensure exceptional character development is inseparably woven into every minute of every day.


You’ll never find Saint Andrew’s stuck in the past or chasing the latest fad. We take the long view of student development and intentionally incorporate the lessons of expert educators, modern research, and our own decades of experience into every aspect of our program.

From homework and discipline to religion, assessment, and technology, parents tell us Saint Andrew’s provides students with the “just right” balance of challenge and encouragement.


We believe school should be the place where children launch an unstoppable love of learning that sticks with them through high school, college, and beyond.

At Saint Andrew’s, masterful educators not only design captivating learning experiences, they also ensure each child feels individually known, unconditionally loved, and deeply valued as an essential member of our warm, inclusive community.