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Saint Andrew's Episcopal School

Learning Services

Director of learning services helping tutor a student in class

"Developing as fully as possible the intellectual, spiritual, physical, and social capacities of each student.”

As stated in our mission statement, Saint Andrew’s is committed to the statement above. We recognize that each student develops and learns at an individual pace. During their learning career, there may be times when a student may benefit from supplemental coaching in order to set and achieve personal academic goals, more closely review classroom material and prepare for exams, devise or improve study skills and strategies, manage time more effectively, and determine the need for any accommodation in the classroom.

The Saint Andrew’s Learning Services Team practices a 4 Cs approach to support learning - Consult, Collaborate, Coordinate, and Communicate - with a goal to promote student self-esteem and a positive attitude toward learning and the learning process. Working one-to-one or in small groups with specialists, students increasingly gain self-awareness, self-motivation, and become self-advocates for their own education.

a service learning teacher helping out a student with homework

The Learning Services staff provides specific academic intervention and works with teachers to implement strategies in the classroom that result in an optimal learning experience for every child. Our goal is for students to become independent, lifelong learners. Areas targeted in specialized instructional settings include, but are not limited to social-emotional growth, reading, writing, mathematics, core-content instruction, time-management, organization, self-advocacy, study skills, and learning strategies.

At Saint Andrew’s, we believe that creating an inclusive, positive, and safe learning environment is necessary for academic risk-taking, successful collaboration, and the development of resiliency. We maintain optimism about each student’s potential and hold fast to the belief that every student can succeed. We are committed to removing barriers to student learning and looking for opportunities to provide flexible instruction and evaluation as needed. We believe that an effective program depends on assessing needs, careful planning, vision, persistence, collaboration, and accountability.
Our learning services program draws from current research in the areas of neuroscience and learning and is proactive, strengths-based, growth-oriented, comprehensive, and intended to address the academic and social-emotional development of all Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School students from Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade.

Meet Our Learning Services Team 

Our Learning Services Team are highly-trained, committed educators, dedicated to creating an environment where students can develop strategies and skills for success while accessing core-content information. Our educators work closely with classroom teachers, administrators, and parents to offer the best services for each student, while also developing a strong, supportive connection with students in the program.